Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Was Told

I was told recently that I should start up a blog. I laughed and said, well I already do blog. In fact, I already have two blogs up and running--one for over 5 years, the other for just over a year. The problem? Both of them are...flawed in one way or another. One is pretty much like a diary, and while I am all up for being transparent and all that fun stuff, I feel like some things should be kept...private.  The other blog is focused on healthy lifestyles, and is pretty intensely focused on weight loss, what I'm eating, goals, etc. Which, isn't a bad thing. I just thought...hmm...why not bring my life together into one cohesive setting in which I just talk about life. My life. My passions, my thoughts, my get the drift. So here I am. I have NO idea what I'm going to really talk about, in fact, I'm actually pretty nervous to put a moderately unedited version of me out there. However, I'm not going to let fear keep me from making a fool of myself. Right? Right. So here I go!

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