Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Couple Of Things

Today is my last 30 for 30 day! Yay! I'm running a little behind so the picture below is my 29th outfit, but you'll see the last one in a later post. I'm so excited that I can finally have access to the rest of my wardrobe :) The pressure of taking pictures and making cute outfits is finally off of me and now I can just dress for me. That's another thing that I learned from this--I like the positive attention I got from this, but I felt SO MUCH PRESSURE when picking outfits, and I didn't like that. I like to dress for me, and when I was doing this, I felt like I was dressing for everyone else, trying to impress, trying to show my skills and not be boring. It would at times take me 45 minutes to choose an outfit. That's not cool. Sometimes, I have days when I just want to be boring, and that's ok. Sometimes, I dress super cute, and that's great. Mostly, I am thankful that I took this challenge, and am excited to take the things that I've learned and move forward.

day 29: black shirt-Ross, purple cardigan & jeans-ON, boots-target, necklace-forever 21

Another thing on my mind--why can't girls and guys be friends without people making a big deal out of it? I recommended this guy I knew for a job, and at a lunch a week or so later, I was asked by 3 people if he liked me, we were dating, or if I liked him. I was shocked, because he's just a friend--and I don't even know him that well as we've only hung out 2 or 3 times at the most. Great guy, fun, nice--all reasons I recommended him for the job--but it doesn't mean I'm in love with the guy. Now, I feel like I have to re-examine every little thing I do. I invited him to check out a restaurant--afterwards I second guessed myself because I wondered if he thought I was asking him a date. Or I invited him to check out a MF show--is he going to read into that? I'm donnnnnnnne. I just want to be friends. I just want to have fun. I just want to get to know new people. So there--I'm not going to let what other people think or assume shape how I act towards people. Because we all know that I can already be all sorts of awkward on my let's just leave it at that :)

Lastly, I've been eating TERRIBLY for the past week. I feel so gross, I think I'm going to go on a fruit/veggie fast. Well, except I'm running so I know I need protein and carbs so I'm going to add a couple of pbj sandwiches in there, but other than that, I'm going to bulk up on the fruits and veggies. Hopefully that'll rebalance me and help me to feel better. Okie dokie, that's all I have in me. Gotta get ready for work :)

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